Month: 14 years ago

Uncategorized Dwight 

Visiting some sea-wet rocks

Internet access will be uncertain for the next week. Hopefully I’ll find a nice sea-wet rock where I can comb (what’s left of) my hair…hopefully with better terms than the Spartans (and others) had to deal with. THE ORACLES A. E. Housman ‘Tis mute, the word they went to hear on high Dodona mountain    When winds […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Of arms and the man

But at this time [490 BC], Nikodromos led the common people in an attempted revolt, which was put down by the affluent Aeginetans [Aegina is an island southwest of Athens]. The victors led out the captive rebels in order to execute them, and because of what happened next, they came under a curse that they […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

The Histories discussion: Book Six

The burial mound (Soros) and grave stela at Marathon Picture source: courtesy of www.traveladventures.orgThe Athenians, as defenders of the Hellenes, in Marathon destroyed the might of the golden-dressed Medes – composed by Simonides The Soros, the extraordinary burial mound built over the graves of the Athenian troops who died at Marathon. The bones of Athenian […]

Uncategorized Dwight 


The Alkmeonids were illustrious among the Athenians from their very beginnings, but became even more so because of Alkmeon and later Megakles. For Alkmeon son of Megakles enthusiastically assisted and proved himself an avid supporter of those Lydians who used to come from Sardis, being sent by Croesus to the oracle at Delphi. When Croesus […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Periandros (Periander)

Picture sourceSince I’m behind on writing anything, I wanted to post an excerpt from Book Five of The Histories. This is from the speech of Sokleas of Corinth as he rebukes the Spartans for wanting to return tyrants to Athens. From Paragraph 92: “After he [Kypselos] had ruled for thirty years and had woven out […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

The Histories discussion: Book Four

Following the capture of Babylon, Darius led an army against Scythia. For Asia was flourishing; it had both numerous fighting men and ample revenues, and Darius had developed a desire to punish the Scythians for having earlier invaded Media and having conquered those who had tried to oppose them; for in doing this the Scythians […]