Month: 13 years ago

Uncategorized Dwight 

The Way We Live Now summary

I chose The Way We Live Now as part of the The Classics Circuit’s tour of Anthony Trollope. Rebecca Reid does a wonderful job coordinating the various tours and has provided a retrospective post that links to various posts by book bloggers on works by Trollope. I didn’t finish in time to be included but […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

When Nabokov met Tolstoy

I may have stretched the truth a little in this post’s title, but then maybe Nabokov did as well. While listening to Nabokov’s Speak, Memory the following passage caught my ear, probably because I read Hadji Murad recently. The following scene takes place in southern Crimea in the spring of 1918: One morning, on a […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Ballad of the Outer Life

I know, I know…I still need to finish Trollope, Thucydides awaits in the wings, but for some reason Vienna keeps calling me. I ran across a used copy of Fin-de-Siécle Vienna: Politics and Culture by Carl E. Schorske and after browsing a few pages on Hugo von Hofmannsthal I had to buy it. Now if […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Ten conversions into bookstores

I’m not sure what links I followed to get to this article on Apt Adaptation: 10 Cool Converted Bookstores (otherwise I would be sure to credit them), but I’ll pass the link on regardless for your perusal. Note: the link still works but their pictures no longer load. My favorite is the Selexyz Dominicanen Church in […]