
I started this blog as a way to sort through my thoughts about what I read and organize my notes on those books. I hope it can provide readers a resource for classics, hard-to-find books, and non-fiction works.

I’m going to post here about books I’m currently reading and will try and catch up on the memorable books I read during by hiatus. I realize my posts are from a common reader…I always feel like an outsider…but hopefully they can prove helpful at times for other common readers.

I moved from Blogger to my own site. The links have been updated and should be working, but given the nature of addresses expiring or moving, there may be some that don’t work. Let me know if there is something amiss by emailing me at the contact info below. I’m probably going to include fewer links due to their unstable nature.

If you would like to contact me, I can be reached at readerdwight at yahoo dot com.