Month: 4 years ago

Uncategorized Dwight 

College Marketing

  I don’t think I have mentioned I have been receiving material from several universities’ and colleges’ admissions departments, marketing their college to names of people that do not live at our house. At first I laughed at them, but then I was concerned. What if there really was a kid out there that wasn’t […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

The New Criterion, September 2020

The New Criterion September 2020 edition (link will go to the current edition at the time of your visit) is available online. I want to highlight four articles, the first two behind a paywall, alas. If you’re interested in those articles, be sure to find access to a copy of the magazine. Also note, the other […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Stanford Continuing Studies, Fall Courses

  I want to highlight the enrollment period of Stanford University’s Continuing Studies fall courses (link will take you to their current offerings). I took Christopher Krebs’ spring 2020 course on Tacitus and enjoyed it. I wanted to take several courses over the years, but the money hurdle and the commute time (when I was living […]

Uncategorized Dwight 


If you enjoy watching out of the ordinary movies and haven’t watched the MUBI streaming service, I highly recommend checking it out. I really enjoyed watching Werner Herzog’s Family Romance, LLC and several other movies over the past couple of weeks. One film I wanted to highlight is The Portugese Woman, based on a Robert […]