Ancient Greek plays read-along
Amateur Reader at Wuthering Expectations will be hosting a read-along of all the ancient Greek plays this year. The order of the plays can be found at this post. The schedule is one play a week, with his posts about them on or around each Friday. The first play is Aeschylus’ The Persians, starting on January 14. I look forward to reading others’ takes on these plays over the course of the year.
If you haven’t read A. E Houseman’s “Fragment of a Greek Tragedy,” I highly recommend it. Even if you don’t catch all the ‘inside baseball’ references you’ll still enjoy it. I like the presentation of the poem at the linked (courtesy of Professor James J. O’Donnell) because it visually reflects the stichomythia lines. More about the poem can be found around the web, but a good start can be found at the forum Antigone.