Category: Notes

Notes Dwight 

Adam and Eve in Paradise by Eça de Queirós

Then began the abominable days of Paradise. Our Parents’ tireless, desperate efforts were devoted entirely to surviving in the midst of a Nature that was ceaselessly, furiously plotting their destruction. And Adam and Eve spent those days—which Semitic texts celebrate as delightful—always trembling, always whimpering always fleeing! The Earth was very much a work in […]

Notes Dwight 

Alexandra by Lykophron

So griefs and various disasters shall grip them, as they mourn their destiny of no return, the requital for my ill-wedded violation. Not even those who jouyfully arrive home at last will light votive flames of sacrifice, paying thanks to Kerdylas, the Larynthian. [Zeus]  (lines 1087-1092) The glory of the race of my grandfathers will be […]

Notes Dwight 

Fool by Peter K. Andersson

The posthumous image of him has been entangled with the real individual, and no one has really fully tried to disentangle them. But achieving that would provide us with a unique window into both the life of the court and fundamental conceptions of humour, humanity, and deviance in the Reneissance. … Fool: In Search of Henry […]

Notes Dwight 

The Devil’s Workshop by Jáchym Topol

Readers to this book are likely aware, more or less, of the basic facts of the genocide of European Jews in the Second World War. Yet the mass killings of non-Jewish Belarusians during the same period have only recently been dragged out of the shadows, thanks to US historian Timothy Snyder’s tour de force of […]

Notes Dwight 

The risk of being real: Phrynichus

Trying to get caught up on everything I mean to post, and feeling frustrated and tired about running into old problems about posting comments on other blogs… A semi-quick comment on Aeschylus’ use of actual events (instead of mythic stories) in The Persians. You usually see a comment about the poet/playwright Phrynichus when there is […]

Notes Dwight 

The Authenticity of Prometheus Bound by Mark Griffith

The Authenticity of ‘Prometheus Bound’ by Mark Griffith 1977: Cambridge University Press When Mark Griffith began researching this topic for his doctoral thesis he believed in the authenticity of Prometheus Bound as a work by Aeschylus, but came to the the conclusion “that the evidence which I was assembling showed Prom. consistently behaving quite differently […]

Notes Dwight 

The Persians by Aeschylus

Please note this is not intended to be a comprehensive coverage of the play (despite my logorrhea and multiple posts), just a few notes on the play that I find interesting. I’m rusty at this, but let’s give it a go. Original performance, 472 BCE The tetralogy of plays at the Great Dionysia of 472 […]

Notes Dwight 

Aeschylus by John Herington

I’m going to cover some of the introductory chapters from Aeschylus in case they may help you read some of his plays. Herington’s prose is clear and to the point in these chapters and reveal much about the backdrop against which Aeschylus was writing. Herington explores what we could term Aeschylus’ world view which can […]

Notes Dwight 

Undula by Bruno Schulz

Undula by Bruno Schulz Translation and Afterword by Frank Garrett Seattle: Sublunary Editions, 2020 Paperback, 42 pages Time trickles with the kerosene lamp’s faint hissing. Old equipemnt rattles and creaks in the silence. Besides me in the depths of the room there are the shadows, pointy, crooked in shard, who skulk and cheme. They stretch […]

Notes Dwight 

Dædalus now online

In January 2021, Dædalus became an Open Access journal. The editors of Dædalus thank you for your patience while they work to digitize the back catalog. The current edition of the quarterly journal Dædalus is available online, and as you can see from the above quote from their “About” page they are working to make […]

Notes Dwight 

Yekaterina Vasilievna Korotkova-Grossman

Vasily Grossman, with mother and daughter Katya Picture sourceFrom Robert Chandler’s Facebook page earlier today: A few minutes ago I received the sad news of the death of Yekaterina Vasilievna Korotkova-Grossman, the daughter of Vasily Grossman. She was someone unusually sensitive, perceptive and witty. We got on well from our very first meeting and I […]

Notes Dwight 

The New Criterion, September 2020

The New Criterion September 2020 edition (link will go to the current edition at the time of your visit) is available online. I want to highlight four articles, the first two behind a paywall, alas. If you’re interested in those articles, be sure to find access to a copy of the magazine. Also note, the other […]