Category: Uncategorized

Uncategorized Dwight 

A recent Faulkner reference

Due to many recent changes (a new job being the big one) as well as kids’ (and my) illnesses has led to zero reading lately. So I’ll leave you with one of the funnier comments I’ve seen lately on William Faulkner’s work. Not to mention timely, since I’ll be visiting Alabama later this week: Lucy: […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

As I Lay Dying online resources

A few links with background information on William Faulkner and As I Lay Dying: William Faulkner William Faulkner on the Web (hosted by the University of Mississippi)—plenty of pages on his life and works as well as information on Oxford and Rowan Oak. Extensive details on his life at the Faulkner Archives (again from Ole […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

The Iliad summary

Book 8, lines 245-253 in a Greek manuscript of the late fifth or early sixth century AD Picture source Generations of men are like the leaves. In winter, winds blow them down to earth, but then, when spring season comes again, the budding wood grows more. And so with men— one generation grows, another dies […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

The Iliad discussion: An Iliad — a partial review (and examining some of the work’s themes)

This is a partial review of Alessandro Baricco’s An Iliad (translated by Ann Goldstein)—partial because I could not finish it. The book does raise interesting questions (more about his choices, but some about the original work). I’ll outline Baricco’s introduction and end note (in slightly different order than he presented them) and then go into […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

The Iliad discussion: Books V – VIII

Aphrodite Wounded by Diomedes Jean Auguste-Dominique IngresBook V belongs to Diomedes despite Zeus’ agreement allowing the Trojans temporary ascendancy on the battlefield. I find the interplay between gods and humans fascinating, the gods protecting or abandoning people at the god’s whim. The battles that the gods wage against each other, using humans as intermediaries, must […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

The Iliad online resources

Homer invoking the muse Illustration by John Flaxman, engraving by William Blake Picture sourceEnter The Iliad on a search engine and you will get close to one million matches. I only went through the first few pages of results and found the following links helpful: Various versions of the text at Project Gutenberg and at […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

The Metamorphosis discussion

Picture source From the Kafka Project: The cover illustration is a lithograph by Ottomar Starke. When Kafka learned that Starke was to do an illustration, he wrote: “The insect itself must not be illustrated by a drawing. It cannot be shown at all, not even from a distance”. Online resources for Franz Kafka and The […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Reading plan for 2009

Feel free to skip this…it is essentially me thinking out loud… This blog originally started as a conversational place for personal finance bloggers who liked to read. It floundered quickly for various reasons, not the least because it was everyone’s second or third place to post on top of having to deal with everyday life. […]