Category: Uncategorized

Uncategorized Dwight 

Upcoming posts / notes

My schedule has been overbooked for some time now, but the last few months I have made it a priority to focus on posting notes on books after I finish certain tasks. Unfortunately, most days I only get some of those tasks done, leaving no time to work on posts. In the next few weeks, […]

Uncategorized Dwight 


Last week I decided to take the long way back to Atlanta for my plane ride home. It turned out to be a meditative trip. Driving across the Florida panhandle, from the Alabama border to Tallahassee, allowed me to see some of the devastation from Hurricane Michael, which had hit the area a few weeks […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

At the risk of excessive exultation

The other major find yesterday was a “new” used copy of La Regenta, retiring the pictured copy being held together by rubber bands. While I have many fond memories of piecing together the old copy (literally) while reading it, I’m hoping this one survives re-readings. Which I hope to do soon. First, though, I’ll need […]

Uncategorized Dwight 


There’s no way to summarize California in just one picture, but this one covers a few aspects. This picture was taken a couple of hours before sunset on August 5th at Manresa State Beach, a few miles south of Santa Cruz. There’s a church holding baptisms in the ocean while surfers are enjoying chest high […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

The O. Henry Prize Stories 2018

The O. Henry Prize Stories 2018 Edited by Laura Furman (Anchor) The O. Henry Prize Stories 2018 contains twenty prize-winning stories chosen from thousands published in literary magazines over the previous year. The winning stories come from a mix of established writers and emerging voices, and are uniformly breathtaking. They are accompanied by essays from […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

A gift and an old friend

I was happy to get the perfect birthday gift this year—Vladislav Vančura’s The End of the Old Times (Konec starých časů). I have been looking for a copy to call my own since I read the book about 4½ years ago. My comments on the book are here. It’s a wonderful novel, enjoyable at both […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Immortality by Andrei Platonov

Illustration by Ragni Svensson From Platonov’s Chevengur: The Ambivalent Space by Natalia Poltavtseva The May 2018 edition of e-flux contains the Andrei Platonov story “Immortality,” translated by Lisa Hayden and Robert Chandler. It is a fairly simple but moving story of the railway station chief Emmanuil Semyonovich Levin tirelessly working to keep trains running on […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Being There by Jerzy Kosinski

Being There by Jerzy Kosinski Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.: 1970 A few months ago I watched one of my favorite movies, Being There (1979), and realized I had never read Kosinski’s novel on which he based his screenplay. If you’re unfamiliar with the storyline, Chance is a simple-minded man living at the townhouse of a […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

To Know a Fly by Vincent G. Dethier

To Know a Fly by Vincent G. Dethier Foreword by N. Tinbergen Illustrated by Bill Clark and Vincent Dethier Oakland, California: Holden-Day, Inc., 1962 Although small children have taboos against stepping on ants because such actions are said to bring on rain, there has never seemed to be a taboo against pulling off the legs […]