I must have goofed in only having 4 chapters listed for this week. But I’ll go with the schedule as listed—not like anyone will care. Post-Waterloo, we follow the fortunes (or lack thereof) of the many families. Add your comments on what you like or dislike about the book so far.
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Have you thought of other books while reading Vanity Fair? It is very rich in allusions and references, but the period of time and subjects it covers reminds me of several other works. Stendhal’s The Charterhouse of Parma: While I was a little underwhelmed with the overall book, the Waterloo scene was fairly funny as […]
Here are a couple of ideas, trying to indulge Chrees’ preference for literature 100+ years old. Northanger Abbey by Austen. Something else by Austen?Frankenstein by Mary Shelley Who else has ideas? We’re looking for something much shorter for next time. Claire
Where we follow the non-heroes and the rest of England to the Continent to face Napoleon and see the aftereffects of Waterloo. Post your thoughts, favorite parts, characters you hate, etc. in the comments!
So as you’re reading through the book, do you find your attitude toward Becky changing? Do you like her more, less, or the same? Just curious as to your reactions toward her…
In which we follow our (non-)heroes through family changes and the prelude to Waterloo. Post your thoughts in the comments!
Please note the change in the Vanity Fair discussion timetable in the right sidebar. Claire and I decided to push things one week so those that were interested can catch up. I will still post on Chapters 20-29 later today (assuming work’s internet connection issues are resolved), but we’ll wait two weeks before covering all […]
Can we just talk about the character names? Some of my favorites: The law firm of Hulker, Bullock and BullockMrs. Rougemont, the actressSir Huddleston FuddlestonSir Giles Wapshot and the Misses Wapshot Most of them are not very subtle, which I appreciate. Even “Miss Sharp” is a very telling name.
The travails of Becky Sharpe and Amelia Sedley continue, with the threat of Napoleon on the horizon. Use the comments to add your thoughts on Vanity Fair through Chapter 20 (no spoilers from beyond that chapter, please). Thanks for the comments and interest shown so far!
In the comments I post some topics I find interesting in Chapters 11 through 20. I’m avoiding spoilers, so feel free to read the comments as you get to these chapters. Add comments with topics you find interesting. I hope this helps spur some discussion!
In which we follow Becky Sharp from Chiswick to Russell Square, then to Queen’s Crawley. Dive into the comments and share your thoughts on the book so far! Again, I’d ask you not to reveal anything that happens beyond the tenth chapter. If you haven’t read all ten chapters yet and you wish to avoid […]
I finally was able to get started on Vanity Fair this weekend. I’ll have more time later this week to post on the first 10 chapters, but I would love to hear what you think about it if you have started the book! Also, if you would like to be able to post here (on […]
Thackeray illustrated Vanity Fair, and as I look through some of the drawings I realize they add quite a bit to the novel. So here are the illustrations I could find in one easy place. Or make that four easy places: Chapters 1 through 15 Chapters 16 through 34 Chapters 35 through 51 Chapters 52 […]
The Pilgrim’s Progress, by John Bunyan {215} Then I saw in my dream, that when they were got out of the wilderness, they presently saw a town before them, and the name of that town is Vanity; and at the town there is a fair kept, called Vanity Fair: it is kept all the year […]
The book is around 700 pages long in the copy I have. I’m debating on how much to schedule each week since many of us don’t have a lot of time to read. I’ll start with approximately 100 pages a week so we can finish in less than 2 months. That will work out to […]
Today I picked up a copy of Vanity Fair at the library, so I’m all set to start reading once Chrees posts a schedule. The problem is, I just finished reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Not high-brow literature, but it sure kept my interest. Now I have to settle into the more sedate […]
OK, we’ll try and break the new site in right. The first book we’ll have an online discussion about is William Makepeace Thackeray’s Vanity Fair. Several things appealed about the book: it is available online (see Project Gutenberg), if you decide to buy it the list price is around $8 (see Penguin Classics or Modern […]