7 thoughts on “I’m feeling thankful for the small things today

  1. Richard

    Happy Birthday, Dwight! By the way, I'm happy to "help" you store any cool book swag over at my house should space be an issue at yours. Just trying to be a good neighbor and all, you know…

  2. Dwight

    Heh. Three books don't constitute much in the way of swag, unless you go at my speed. And I have the mother of all doorstops now.

    Since we don't have a ton of space for books, our county library has received quite a few over the years, but I'll keep the offer in mind. Thanks!

  3. LMR

    Happy birthday, Dwight!

  4. Dwight

    Thanks Miguel! Wouldn't you know I'll spend most of the next week traveling …I have so much I want to finish/start. Sometimes the anticipation is fun, though.

  5. seraillon

    Dwight – a very happy birthday, and kudos on your music choices, literary presents, and gifts to the local library. Many happy trails.

  6. Fred


    Happy Birthday–and wishing you many more.

  7. Dwight

    Thanks and thanks!

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