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Lolita online resources

The Olympia Press’ cover of Lolita
Picture source

There are many informative sites dedicated to Nabokov and Lolita, but unfortunately many of the links I tried at these sites no longer exist. Hopefully the following links will stick around for a while.

Vladimir Nabokov

Wikipedia entry for Vladimir Nabokov

The gateway to an extended interview at The Paris Review:

“Poshlust,” or in a better transliteration Postlost, has many nuances, and evidently I have not described them clearly enough in my little book on Gogol, if you think one can ask anybody if he is tempted by poshlost. Corny trash, vulgar clichés, Philistinism in all its phases, imitations of imitations, bogus profundities, crude, moronic, and dishonest pseudo-literature–these are obvious examples. … Poshlost speaks in such concepts as “America is no better than Russia” or “We all share in Germany’s guilt.” The flowers of poshblost bloom in such phrases and terms as “the moment of truth,” “charisma,” “existential” (used seriously), “dialogue” (as applied to political talks between nations), and “vocabulary” (as applied to a dauber). Listing in one breath Auschwitz, Hiroshima, and Vietnam is seditious poshlost. Belonging to a very select club (which sports one Jewish name–that of the treasurer) is genteel poshlost.

(See this extended entry on poshlost)

Zembla, the Nabokov resource from Penn State University, was a treasure-trove of information. However it exists in archive only.

The New York Public Library’s exhibition on the occasion of the centennial of the writer’s birth.

“Nabokov’s Butterflies”, an article in The Atlantic, along with links to some of his works published in the magazine

Essays on some of Nabokov’s short stories by Roy Johnson. “It is the purpose of this study to trace the development of his skill in the creation of short fictions through the whole of his fifty published stories, and in particular to examine his manipulation of traditional narrative modes.”

A review of a biography on his wife Véra.

The Nabokov Museum in St. Petersburg

Discussing Nabokov at Slate by James Wood.
I’m not very far into Lolita but I can understand the reservations Wood mentions. I find myself (so far) closer to Wood than Danilo Kis, but I reserve the right to change my mind.

I’m inclined to find fault with Nabokov, while cherishing him for all his lusters, and to come to a position somewhere between Rorty’s veneration of Nabokov as a moral sage, always pressing his case against “cruelty,” and the Yugoslav writer Danilo Kis’ unfair complaint (in his essay “Nabokov, or Nostalgia”) that Nabokov’s is “a magnificent complex, and sterile art.” I feel, paradoxically, that Nabokov is neither wholly humane nor wholly sterile.

Marissa’s blog entry on Nabokov living in Oregon

Nabokov’s 1964 interview in Playboy (the interviewer is Alvin Toffler). Unfortunately there no graphics.

The Cinematography of Nabokov’s Creative Vision by Leigh Kimmel. An additional essay by Leigh: Nabokov as Translator.

An NPR piece on the fate of Nabokov’s unfinished manuscript. Additional Nabokov stories are linked at the end of the article.


Lolita’s Wikipedia entry

The exhibition case at Cornell University regarding the 50th anniversary of Lolita

Lolita, U.S.A.—a geographical tour of the book’s trips. Also, a chronology of the book is provided.

The many covers of Lolita. Love the font that screams “I’m from the ’70s!”

Random House’s reading group guide for the book. The questions are a cut above the usual for reading group sites.

A class wiki on Lolita from The University of Texas at Dallas

Update: YaleCourses has two courses on Lolita: one and two. I haven’t listened to them so I can’t comment, but the overviews look promising.
(Feb. 26, 2009)

Update: D. G. Myers, at A Commonplace Blog, has a wonderful post regarding The enactment of moral experience in Lolita.
(Mar. 11, 2009)

2 thoughts on “Lolita online resources

  1. William Michaelian

    Of possible interest: RIP: Alfred Appel Jr.

  2. Chris Lott

    Thanks… I mused on Lolita’s 62nd Birthday a while back… what a tremendous book.

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