Uncategorized Dwight 

Pictures of Shelled Beans

While I was at Phipps Country Store in Pescadero, California today [sadly, it went out of business shortly after this post] I decided to take advantage of the available heirloom beans (beyond the several pounds I bought). It seemed a fitting setting for Wiesław Myśliwski’s A Treatise on Shelling Beans, forthcoming from Archipelago Books. A […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Happy 1,000th post!

Blogger tells me this is my 1,000th post on this site. So I’ll pass along a picture I took today while the boys and I were touring the mining museum in New Almaden, California. I just wish I had a book with me to drop in the lending library. If you’d like to learn about […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

A Literary History of Alabama: The Nineteenth Century by Benjamin Buford Williams

A Literary History of Alabama: The Nineteenth Century by Benjamin Buford Williams Associated University Presses, Inc.: Cranbury, New Jersey, 1979 ISBN: 0-8386-2054-X This post is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Ben and Marilyn Williams. I consider myself fortunate to have been friends of theirs. This study is a biographical, bibliographical, generic, critical, and chronological […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

My swerve

I had tentative plans for November to post on American women authors but I was sidetracked, willingly, into reading more books by and about Primo Levi. I plan to post on If This Is a Man and The Truce and three movies (Primo Levi’s Journey, The Truce, and Primo Mysteries) during the month. I’ll start […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Relations by Zsigmond Móricz

Relations by Zsigmond Móricz Translated by Bernard Adams Introduction by George F. Cushing Corvina Books, Ltd. (2007) ISBN 978 963 13 5524 6Posts: “The only relation to love is the one that’s of use to you”: problems in post-World War I Hungary Lina and Magdaléna Solutions? Introduction to Móricz and the novel My notes Another […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Zsigmond Móricz; Relations

Zsigmond Móricz (1935)Picture source at Wikimedia Commons Before I begin posting on Zsigmond Móricz’s Relations I thought I would include a post looking at the author and the introduction to the book written by George F. Cushing (Corvina Books, Ltd.; 2007). I’ll have to admit I had not heard of Zsigmond Móricz until I picked […]

Uncategorized Dwight 


I didn’t mean to disappear for a couple of weeks but it happened. I’ll try and get back on track tomorrow with the final post on the Hyperion edition devoted to Miklós Szentkuthy, including a few notes on the wonderful excerpt from Black Renaissance. To hold my feet to the fire, I’ll follow up with […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Miklós Szentkuthy and masks

Photo by András Szebeni Picture sourceIn my previous post on a collection of Szentkuthy links, I mentioned the Hyperion issue, devoted to Szentkuthy. Three articles have “mask” in the title (and other articles mention the word, too): “Masks Behind Masks: A Portrait of Miklós Szentkuthy” by András Nagy, “Behind the Mask and Under the Surface: […]