Uncategorized Dwight 

Fortunata and Jacinta Volume 3: failure

The previous post looked at Feijóo’s practical philosophy he tried to impart to Fortunata to survive her “restoration” into the Rubín family. Feijóo’s outlook is one of practicality—setting an ideal goal but planning for contingencies. Feijóo continues in the line of people attempting to reform Fortunata. Where the Rubín family tried to confine Fortunata in […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Weekend listening

Still recovering from a happy hour from last night with former co-workers. The high (low?) point of the evening was a potential recreation of a live karaoke performance (singing with a live, performing group) of a … ummm… rumored performance at a company meeting. By me. Fortunately things didn’t escalate to that point. The crowd […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Status update

I was part of a layoff today so blogging will be a lower priority until I get the job-hunt machinery cranked up. I plan on finishing the Fortunata and Jacinta read-along on schedule, more or less. We’ll see how things are going in a few weeks. Good karma sent this way is greatly appreciated!

Uncategorized Dwight 

The Pilgrim Hawk by Glenway Wescott

First some links: The review at Open Letters Monthly An excerpt and recommendation by Michael Cunningham I’m not as enthusiastic about The Pilgrim Hawk as the links above are. It’s a well-told story working on several layers, especially when noting the focus of the subtitle (“A Love Story”) is secondary to the more subtle focus […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Jarmila by Ernst Weiss

Jarmila by Ernst Weiss Tanslated by Rebecca Morrison and Petra Howard-Wuerz Afterword by Peter Engel Pushkin PressJarmila is one of those instances when most of what I have to say about a book has already been said. I’ll defer to Max at Pechorin’s Journal. And now that I look, I also see Guy at His […]