Uncategorized Dwight 

Marathon2500 Project

Apparently my re-reading of Herodotus last year represented good timing. I just stumbled across the Marathon2500 Project: “Commemorating the 2,500-year anniversary of The Battle of Marathon. Free phone/web-based lectures, reading groups & more”. While I have missed the lectures by Paul Cartledge, Peter Krentz, Victor Davis Hanson, and Thomas Harrison, the podcasts are available at […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

A break for today

I’m going to take a break today from reading and posting. Well, except for this post, which will ramble about my first (remembered) introduction to Thucydides. I was an impressionable third-grader when my parents decided to go see “Patton”. For some reason, they decided to take me. The theater was so crowded we had to […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Can’t… resist…

Thanks to Kerry at Hungry Like the Woolf for pointing to this post at Caustic Cover Critic on the Visual Editions’ The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. Additional pictures of the edition can be found at Visual Editions’ Flickr page (above photo from that page) More pictures of the book from A Practice […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Coming to a download near you

Library of Congress gets first big gift of major label music The largest music company in the world has just given the largest audio-visual gift ever to one of the largest libraries in the world, the US Library of Congress. Universal will donate more than 200,000 master recordings from the 1920s-1940s to the Library, which […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

The Peloponnesian War: The vote for war (Book I, Chapters 118 – 146)

Bust of Pericles Inscription: “Pericles, son of Xanthippus, Athenian” Picture sourceThe question I’m focusing on in Book One centers on Thucydides’ claim for the reason for the Peloponnesian War. Not that I’m hoping to resolve the actual reasons…it’s more like I’m trying to understand Thucydides’ outlook…knowing where to take him with a grain of salt […]