Uncategorized Dwight 

So long old friend

Speaking of pretexts, I was about to throw out (long overdue) my lone Shakespeare Santa Cruz shirt and wanted to test out my new phone’s camera. So here we go. Not pictured is the shoulder and sleeve discolored from falling down a hill during a hike on Kauai. The red-lava dirt permanently stained it, but […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

The Way We Live Now summary

I chose The Way We Live Now as part of the The Classics Circuit’s tour of Anthony Trollope. Rebecca Reid does a wonderful job coordinating the various tours and has provided a retrospective post that links to various posts by book bloggers on works by Trollope. I didn’t finish in time to be included but […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

When Nabokov met Tolstoy

I may have stretched the truth a little in this post’s title, but then maybe Nabokov did as well. While listening to Nabokov’s Speak, Memory the following passage caught my ear, probably because I read Hadji Murad recently. The following scene takes place in southern Crimea in the spring of 1918: One morning, on a […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Ballad of the Outer Life

I know, I know…I still need to finish Trollope, Thucydides awaits in the wings, but for some reason Vienna keeps calling me. I ran across a used copy of Fin-de-Siécle Vienna: Politics and Culture by Carl E. Schorske and after browsing a few pages on Hugo von Hofmannsthal I had to buy it. Now if […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Ten conversions into bookstores

I’m not sure what links I followed to get to this article on Apt Adaptation: 10 Cool Converted Bookstores (otherwise I would be sure to credit them), but I’ll pass the link on regardless for your perusal. Note: the link still works but their pictures no longer load. My favorite is the Selexyz Dominicanen Church in […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Take one of Leo Strauss’ courses

The Leo Strauss Center at The University of Chicago has begun to make available audio files from some of the courses Strauss taught and will add transcripts starting next year. The first course released is “Plato’s Political Philosophy: Apology and Crito”. From the page noting the release of this course: The Leo Strauss Center is […]