Uncategorized Dwight 

Nobility of Spirit

Paul L Martin at The Teacher’s View posted a review/summay on Rob Riemen’s book Nobility of Sprit (Yale University Press; $12.00, paperback). His review intrigued me enough to order it—if you’re not familiar with the book, please go read his wonderful summary at the link. There are three essays and a long introduction, all of […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Fathers and Children summary

Portrait of Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev By Vasily Perov (1872) Picture source Young Man to Middle-Aged Man: ‘You had content but no force.’ Middle-Aged Man to Young Man: ‘And you have force but no content.’ – (The original epigraph to Fathers and Children which was later omitted.) From Henry James’ 1903 article on Turganev: Nothing that […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Robinson Crusoe summary

The cover of Classic Comics No. 10, April 1943 Picture sourceI had trouble trying to discuss Robinson Crusoe, mainly because there are so many ways you can approach the work. One point I would hope to convey is that this is not just a kid’s book or a clichéd movie theme…the original work is worth […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Robinson Crusoe discussion

Map of Robinson Crusoe’s Island Illustration by Clark and Pine, from the 1719 first English edition You are not to take it, if you please, as the saying of an ignorant man, when I express my opinion that such a book as Robinson Crusoe never was written, and never will be written again. I have […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Setting is everything

No, not the setting of the book, although that is important, too… I am sure other readers, when a book is mentioned, think back to where they were or their personal circumstances when first encountering that work. I was able to go hiking and exploring this past weekend thanks to my wonderful wife. Images similar […]