Uncategorized Dwight 

Catullus’ Bedspread by Daisy Dunn

Catullus’ Bedspread: The Life of Rome’s Most Erotic Poet by Daisy DunnHarper, 2016Hardcover, 336 pages An attempt to get back in the swing of posting… Catullus’ Bedspread by Daisy Dunn, released to coincide with her translation titled The Poems of Catullus (also from Harper) looks at the life and work of the poet commonly known […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Netflix’s Roman Empire: Reign of Blood

Netflix’s series Roman Empire: Reign of Blood follows the recent docu-series movement, mixing historians, narration, and drama over multiple episodes. It also continue the trend moving from sword-and-sandal epics to blood-and-boobs entertainment (to paraphrase a line from Adrian Goldsworthy). The story starts with the end of the emperor Marcus Aurelius’ reign and focuses on his […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Mark Twain and loyalty to country

A note from Mark Twain, to help put the animated comments of the day in perspective. Heated moments when dealing with elections are nothing new… I’ve been reading books with the boys this year that tie into their history studies. We spent a day on Chapter 13 of Mark Twain’s A Connecticut Yankee in King […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Follow up

Once again, I apologize for the silence. I’m dealing with an intense amount of pain that just doesn’t seem to lessen…it just changes forms. Speaking of which, are there novels that deal with intense physical pain more than just in passing for a character? Not that I want to read it, now or ever. Mental/emotional/psychological […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Upcoming Landmark Histories

I think it’s clear I’m a huge fan of the Landmark Ancient Histories edited by Robert B. Stassler. For anyone else wondering what is forthcoming in the series and the timing, I stumbled across this note posted by Mr. Stassler to a query on an Amazon.com board: I am very much alive, and up to […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Joy Division & Marketa Lazarová

It will be a little bit before I write on Marketa Lazarová by Vladislav Vančura, but I wanted to share something I stumbled across yesterday. Someone (I’m assuming Stefano Leone, who posted it) paired Joy Division’s “Shadowplay” with scenes from Marketa Lazarová, a stunning combination. The scenes are as haunting as the song. Speaking of […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Still ending, and beginning still

After swearing I’d never work for another startup company, I’ve agreed to work half-time for another startup. I think we all know what half-time will actually mean, though. Plus I’ll continue homeschooling the boys. How all of this is going to work I have no idea. I guess I was worried that I was becoming […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Anatomy of a Soldier by Harry Parker

Anatomy of a Soldier by Harry Parker Knopf, 2016I was intrigued enough by the premise and approach of this book to overcome my reluctance in reading current fiction. The novel tells the story of Captain Tom Barnes, a 25-year-old British army captain stationed in Afghanistan (the location is not specifically named but it’s clear where […]