Tag: Footnotes

Uncategorized Dwight 

Follow up

Once again, I apologize for the silence. I’m dealing with an intense amount of pain that just doesn’t seem to lessen…it just changes forms. Speaking of which, are there novels that deal with intense physical pain more than just in passing for a character? Not that I want to read it, now or ever. Mental/emotional/psychological […]

Uncategorized Dwight 


I have felt down about a lot of things lately, and not being able to blog consistently has been a part of that. Fortunately, my wife constantly reminds me (through her actions) of the beneficial power of gratitude. I want to say a word of thanks to all those that have commented here and especially […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Ahem…is this thing on?

I realize things have been rather quiet here the past couple of months, but I’ve got a nice backlog of posts ready to write. Time will be freeing up soon to do so. One reason things have been quiet is that I was helping my wife with her book proposal, which I’m happy to announce, […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Happy Valentine’s Day

Seventeen years ago was a “Plan B” first Valentine’s Day weekend with my then-girlfriend, now wife. Yeah, we get sappy here sometimes. Sorry about that. But you never know when life is shooting down your first and “best” plan while better things lie in wait. For more details, I’ll forward you to this post. In […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Happy New Year

I’d like to wish a happy new year to everyone. I’m looking forward to 2014 and I plan on showing my gratitude to all that stop by here by reinvigorating the blog. I’ve been reading a lot of interesting books lately and have many more lined up to read, so posting will resume soon. As […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Happy 1,000th post!

Blogger tells me this is my 1,000th post on this site. So I’ll pass along a picture I took today while the boys and I were touring the mining museum in New Almaden, California. I just wish I had a book with me to drop in the lending library. If you’d like to learn about […]

Uncategorized Dwight 


I didn’t mean to disappear for a couple of weeks but it happened. I’ll try and get back on track tomorrow with the final post on the Hyperion edition devoted to Miklós Szentkuthy, including a few notes on the wonderful excerpt from Black Renaissance. To hold my feet to the fire, I’ll follow up with […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

My apologies

My computer died today. And then I made sure the damn thing was dead. Deader than dead. And then some. Not that he was waiting for the letter, but Michael Dell will not be receiving an invitation to any of our parties any time soon. But then that’s been true for the past few years […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Happier post

The article Calvin & Hobbes Creator’s Life Lessons Become Beautiful New Comic is artist Gavin Aung Than’s comic based on a speech Bill Watterson gave at Kenyon College in 1990. Well worth taking a few minutes to read and enjoy the artwork. “To invent your own life’s meaning is not easy but it is still […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Sad news

UC Santa Cruz announced today that this will be the final season for Shakespeare Santa Cruz (SSC), the professional repertory company in residence at the campus. The current season, the 32nd since the festival debuted on campus in 1981, will conclude this year following the annual holiday show in December. News release at UC Santa […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Beating the heat

It was supposed to get to 100°F where we live (it got there, and then some), so we decided to beat the heat and have some fun. Try and learn things, too. So we walked among coastal redwoods. And played in the Pacific Ocean. And played silly video games. It was a good day. Here […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

On (semi-)hold

I’ve reached an existential moment for this blog. I don’t feel like I’m contributing to any discussion, which reflects my own interests since lately I have focused on nooks, crannies, and shadows of literature (at least in the English speaking world) that few people seem interested in despite my enthusiasm. I want to thank everyone […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Whenever you’re on my mind

I’ve been distracted from posting the past few weeks because of my mom falling and fracturing her collarbone. It’s amazing how much energy is required to take care of things from a distance. Fortunately I have two great brothers helping out. I’m traveling this next week and I’m not sure how much internet access I’ll […]