Tag: Herodotus

Uncategorized Dwight 

Alexandra by Lykophron

So griefs and various disasters shall grip them, as they mourn their destiny of no return, the requital for my ill-wedded violation. Not even those who jouyfully arrive home at last will light votive flames of sacrifice, paying thanks to Kerdylas, the Larynthian. [Zeus]  (lines 1087-1092) The glory of the race of my grandfathers will be […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

The risk of being real: Phrynichus

Trying to get caught up on everything I mean to post, and feeling frustrated and tired about running into old problems about posting comments on other blogs… A semi-quick comment on Aeschylus’ use of actual events (instead of mythic stories) in The Persians. You usually see a comment about the poet/playwright Phrynichus when there is […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Herodotus Salon recording

On May 14, 2014 Paul Cartledge and James Romm talked about Herodotus and the two new translations of his Histories. It’s well worth the hour to listen to the salon sponsored by Reading Odyssey, which can be found here. I asked about other recent books on Herodotus they have enjoyed and they provided some books […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

After Thermopylae: The Oath of Plataea and the End of the Graeco-Persian Wars by Paul Cartledge

After Thermopylae: The Oath of Plataea and the End of the Graeco-Persian Wars by Paul Cartledge Emblems of Antiquity series Oxford University Press, 2013 ISBN: 9780199747320 Paul Cartledge’s name has been mentioned on this blog several times—he is the A. G. Leventis Professor of Greek Culture in the Faculty of Classics at the University of […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

The Herodotus Project

I received an email from Shane Solow pointing me to the Herodotus Project, “an ongoing project documenting in photographs many of the places and artifacts mentioned by Herodotus (c 500 – c 425 BCE) in his Inquiries. This site is updated monthly with photographic tours that are hyperlinked with the text.”

Uncategorized Dwight 

The Marathon Stone

Diana Gilliland Wright provides updated information and links on “The Marathon Stone,” an amazing stone that appears to be the casualty list from the battle of Marathon. The inscription is written in boustrephon and diagonally (see comments for update), and was acquired by Herodes Atticus when he honored his home town of Marathon by constructing […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

The Histories summary

I may be obliged to tell what is said, but I am not at all obliged to believe it. And you may consider this statement to be valid for my entire work. – from Book Seven, Paragraph 152 Wow. That’s about all I can manage at this point. What a long strange trip this has […]