Tag: James Joyce

Uncategorized Dwight 

Dubliners summary

Quick links to the posts on Dubliners: A few links to online resources about James Joyce Online text of Dubliners at Project Gutenberg Dubliners discussion: The Sisters, An Encounter, Araby, Eveline, After the Race, Two Gallants Dubliners discussion: The Boarding House, A Little Cloud, Counterparts, Clay, A Painful Case Dubliners discussion: Ivy Day in the […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

The Dead (1987 movie)

One of the best adaptations from page to screen I’ve seen. You definitely have to be in the mood for a period piece, but the acting is superb. There are a few minor changes from the story, mostly in the way of additions, but the movie stays true. In moving the story to the screen, […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Dubliners discussion: The Dead

This was my first exposure to “The Dead” and I found it quite powerful and moving. So far in Dubliners there has been much bitterness and frustration with only glimpses of the humanity underneath. In “The Dead,” the emphasis has been reversed. Since it would be easy to write a piece as long as the […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

James Joyce resources

There is a trove of resources about Joyce available online, yet most of them focus on Ulysses or Finnegans Wake. I’ve listed only a handful below: Texts available through Project Gutenberg Joyce’s Wikipedia entry Fordham University’s Joyce Studies Annual (formerly published by The University of Texas): The James Joyce Scholars’ Collection, through the University of […]