There’s no way to summarize California in just one picture, but this one covers a few aspects. This picture was taken a couple of hours before sunset on August 5th at Manresa State Beach, a few miles south of Santa Cruz. There’s a church holding baptisms in the ocean while surfers are enjoying chest high […]
Tag: Pictures
If I find articles that relate to older material here I’ll add an update to the original post. I’m not good about letting anyone know about the updates so I’ll take this opportunity to note a few from the past few months. Parade’s End on BBC Two Update (12 Sep 2012): Parade’s End, the BBC […]
I was unplugged for a few days–I highly recommend it. Sometimes it’s fun just to have fun. I’ll be unplugged again this coming weekend (although with a much lower fun factor). Subjects for posts I have planned to write: The Desert of the Tartars movie Film, 20-minute feature by Samuel Beckett, starring (if that’s the […]
Title page to Clerks / Chasing Amy: Two Screenplays: by Kevin Smith Robin, See? Now this sucks. You get this cool gift, right. And that’s okay. But now you know Dwight’s going to hold it over your head forever. Maybe even extort sex from you as well (if he’s not a relative…hell, maybe even if […]
I’ll be taking a few days off as my wife and I celebrate our anniversary. Since we’ll be in the area where we held the wedding, I’ll add a link to my post on The Art of Eating Well.
I occasionally mention the audiobooks I listen to during my commute and this will be another such post. I’m listening to Sarah Bakewell’s How to Live, or A life of Montaigne in one question and twenty attempts at an answer at the moment and wanted to add to the generally positive remarks I’ve seen on […]
Meet Ginger, the newest addition to our family. It’s hard to get her to stay still at the moment. The boys are excited and she’s doing well in her new house. So far–she’s been here less than a day. She will probably appear on Cesar Millan’s Dog Whisperer TV show later this year in a […]
Recovering from a fun weekend, not to mention a long day in the sun with over a hundred thousand of my closest friends. Credit goes to my wife for a great Father’s Day present. Posting on Ferdydurke should continue tomorrow.
2012 vintage Update: if my posting in December seems more incoherent than usual, you’ll know the reason. Original post: A Christmas present in May? That’s because you have to do the work now in order to enjoy this in December. It’s a nice touch after dinner with friends. Or when you have a quiet evening […]
…especially when dealing with the loss of a co-worker and friend. I’m traveling again this week so I’ll take a short break from posting. Feel free to leave a caption for the youngest and a friend he made yesterday.
To commemorate HBO’s documentary Namath, I present my 4th grade class picture with me wearing his jersey. What the picture doesn’t reflect is that I was barefoot—the info board covers that detail. I refused to wear shoes to school until 5th grade (and I was lied to in order to get me to wear shoes […]
Picture source A King At Night at has done a terrific job piecing together the story within Terrence Malick’s The Tree of Life. Or maybe one of the stories within the movie. It’s funny to read the post and realize how slight a storyline can end up as such a powerful film. I also […]
Some flowers for my wife, even if they are from nine years ago. Happy anniversary!
“Sightseeing is the art of disappointment.” Robert Louis Stevenson (incorrect in this instance) in The Silverado Squatters Left side: This tablet placed by the Club Women of Napa County marks the site of the cabin occupied in 1880 by Robert Louis Stevenson and bride while he wrote The Silverado Squatters.Right side: “Doomed to know not […]
Every time I take a book with me on a family trip I never get more than a page or two read and this trip is no exception. Not that I’m complaining, given the surroundings.
Kaputt by Curzio Malaparte, translation by Cesare Foligno (For a note on this book as a literary work instead of a memoir, see the earlier posts on Kaputt) When night began to rise from the sea with its large bunches of violets already damp with nocturnal dew—at night the sea puts on its windowsills large […]