Tag: The Odyssey

Uncategorized Dwight 

Alexandra by Lykophron

So griefs and various disasters shall grip them, as they mourn their destiny of no return, the requital for my ill-wedded violation. Not even those who jouyfully arrive home at last will light votive flames of sacrifice, paying thanks to Kerdylas, the Larynthian. [Zeus]  (lines 1087-1092) The glory of the race of my grandfathers will be […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

The Odyssey summary

Odysseus and Circe by Bartholomäus Spranger Picture source Of all the things that breathe and move along the ground, Earth does not raise anything more insignificant than man. He thinks he’ll never suffer any harm in days to come, as long as gods provide prosperity and his knees stay supple. But when blessed gods bring […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

The Iliad and The Odyssey, memory

Some stray thoughts on The Odyssey… The first thought has to do with the similarities and differences to The Iliad as well as references to the Trojan War in The Odyssey. Both works look at mortality and man’s need to accept it. Achilles, when presented with a choice of fates, initially chooses a long life. […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

The Odyssey online resources

Odysseus’ travels Muse, speak to me now of that resourceful man who wandered far and wide after ravaging the sacred citadel of Troy. He came to see many people’s cities, where he learned their customs, while on the sea his spirit suffered many torments, as he fought to save his life and lead his comrades […]