Tag: The Persians

Uncategorized Dwight 

The risk of being real: Phrynichus

Trying to get caught up on everything I mean to post, and feeling frustrated and tired about running into old problems about posting comments on other blogs… A semi-quick comment on Aeschylus’ use of actual events (instead of mythic stories) in The Persians. You usually see a comment about the poet/playwright Phrynichus when there is […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

The Persians by Aeschylus

Please note this is not intended to be a comprehensive coverage of the play (despite my logorrhea and multiple posts), just a few notes on the play that I find interesting. I’m rusty at this, but let’s give it a go. Original performance, 472 BCE The tetralogy of plays at the Great Dionysia of 472 […]