Tag: Vasily Grossman

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Yekaterina Vasilievna Korotkova-Grossman

Vasily Grossman, with mother and daughter Katya Picture sourceFrom Robert Chandler’s Facebook page earlier today: A few minutes ago I received the sad news of the death of Yekaterina Vasilievna Korotkova-Grossman, the daughter of Vasily Grossman. She was someone unusually sensitive, perceptive and witty. We got on well from our very first meeting and I […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Robert Chandler on Vasily Grossman

Richard at Caravana de recuerdos has recently covered Vasily Grossman’s Life and Fate, a novel I give my highest recommendation to without any hesitation (see here for the summary of my posts on the novel). Both of us read the NYRB edition, translation by Robert Chandler. While poking around recently some of Chandler’s other translations […]

Uncategorized Dwight 

Life and Fate summary

I saw the unflinching force of the idea of public good, born in my country. I saw it first in the universal collectivization. I saw it in [the purges of] 1937. I saw how, in the name of an ideal as beautiful and humane as that of Christianity, people were annihilated. I have seen villages […]