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Thinking ahead to the next book

Here are a couple of ideas, trying to indulge Chrees’ preference for literature 100+ years old.

Northanger Abbey by Austen. Something else by Austen?
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Who else has ideas? We’re looking for something much shorter for next time.


8 thoughts on “Thinking ahead to the next book

  1. Dwight

    It doesn’t have to be over 100 years old–just something of substance (no Fabio on the cover, please).

    And if we go with something shorter (I fully agree on that), let’s choose the next two while we’re at it. I’ll let others chime in with ideas on books before I add a few I’d like to see.

  2. CeMiV

    In keepeing with the theme of reading books you can find online for free, I suggest “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley.
    You can read it from the website http://www.huxley.net

  3. Dwight

    I wonder if doing “Brave New World” and “1984” back to back in order to compare and contrast would be too much? I haven’t read either since high school and would love to see how my attitudes toward them have changed.

    Not that we need a theme…

  4. Tiredbuthappy

    I haven’t read Brave New World. But I gotta tell you, I’ve got other books I want to read. I wonder if we should slow the reading schedule way down so people can read other stuff around the edges and still participate?

  5. Dwight

    Yeah, those aren’t high on my list either. I think if we do short books/novellas and give a generous time frame for each, then I think we’ll be OK (in other words, what you said).

    So what are some things on your list? I have about 30 books in my to be read pile, but not many fit the bill for what I think others will find interesting…

  6. Phoebe

    you could tell us what’s on your “to read” pile anyways…maybe we can agree on one

  7. Dwight

    I’d like to read “Northanger Abbey” by Austen, or anything else by her as well.

    I’ve never read Kazuo Ishiguro’s “The Remains of the Day” but would like to. Plus it is Merchant/Ivory’s best film, so another book/film tie-in.

    Coetzee has several short works I’d like to read. I’ll gladly re-read anything by Milan Kundera.

    “Eugene Onegin” by Pushkin (I love Russian literature). Anything bt Twain. Gotta run, but I’ll try and post more later.

  8. Tiredbuthappy

    I’ve been wanting to read Joyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

    Also, I haven’t ever found Faulker accessible, but maybe if someone recommended his/her favorite Faulker novel?

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