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Upcoming: Fortunata and Jacinta read-along in October

At the start of the year, The Neglected Books Page posted on Fortunata and Jacinta as “The Greatest Novel You’ve Never Heard of.” Please read that post about the book and follow the links provided—it’s a great overview of the novel and introduction to Galdós. I seconded the enthusiasm for the novel and author and included a couple of excerpts. I somehow stumbled into the role of leading a read-along of the novel (I think it was “volunteered” for me), which I plan on starting in October. I’m posting in advance because (1) the book isn’t currently in print in English, although it shouldn’t be too hard to obtain a copy, and (2) it’s a long novel.

I’ve read though my battered Penguin edition (pictured above) twice and agree with Neglected’s recommendation of the translation by Agnes Moncy Gullón. I hope to provide some posts at the start that will help everyone joining in on the read-along. The Wikipedia page on the novel has a list of characters. I thought a post on the structure of the novel would be good and I’ll post some additional links as it gets closer to October. If you have any ideas that would be helpful on enjoying the novel, please don’t hesitate to let me know (either in comments or by e-mail—see my profile).

Some additional links on Galdós and the novel (more to come):

The Pérez Galdós Editions Project

Excerpts from a paper by Harriet Stevens Turner on Galdós (my excerpts focused on Galdós and his Torquemada novels, although there’s some mention of Fortunata and Jacinta)

Speaking of the Torquemada novels, my posts on them are linked here.

the complete review‘s entry on Fortunata and Jacinta

Reading Fortunata and Jacinta is a significant commitment, but as Antonio Muñoz Molina said in a note for the PEN.org blog:

Reader: I am a novelist myself, and an avid fan of novels; this particular one taught me the glorious scope and the exhilarating freedom that a novel can provide, both as an art form to practice and as a reading experience to enjoy. You live in it. You move into it. You inhabit it. You get accustomed to it. It becomes part of the daily setting of your life, like your coffee mug or your computer or your dog. You scrape some extra minute to get back to it. You stay awake longer than you should to reach the end of a chapter. You walk the same streets the characters walk, overhear their conversations, visit the same cafés and street markets and bourgeois mansions and working-class slums and taverns.

I want to encourage you to join in, even if it’s for only a hundred pages or more, so you can experience it with all of us. I look forward to all who join in!

8 thoughts on “Upcoming: Fortunata and Jacinta read-along in October

  1. Amateur Reader (Tom)

    Thanks, thanks, for all this. Looking forward to it.

  2. Dwight

    No problem since you and Richard were the ones that "volunteered" me for this.

    Although I wouldn't do this if I didn't feel it was worth it. Expect this blog to turn into the Galdós channel near the end of September–all Galdós, all the time. Yeah, it will be overkill. What else is new? Seriously, anything that can help is greatly appreciated.

  3. Richard

    I don't think I'll have time for this after all, Dwight, but I'll be looking forward to seeing which victims you line up for the readalong next.

    OK, that was just a joke, but I probably should get started reading soon–haven't been good about honoring my time commitments this year or last and I still owe bibliographing Nicole a group read post or two after bailing on her last year. Cheers!

  4. Dwight

    Ha ha! Wait…

    Don't worry Richard, I understand about people having a life outside of reading and blogging. Theoretically, that is.

  5. seraillon

    Thanks, Dwight. I expect to join in. I picked this up earlier in the year and began to be sucked in just when I realized it be better to wait until my busy season at work was concluded given the big chunks of reading time it deserves. I'm glad I waited, since I'll now have company.

  6. Dwight

    Look forward to having you along on this. I hope to get to posting on La Regenta next week (short review–wow!)…want to finish The Tartar Steppe first.

  7. scott g.f.bailey

    I have that Penguin edition on a shelf above my desk, waiting for me. If I can finish Karamazov by the end of September (assuming I start it sometime soon, that is), then I'll join the October Galdos read-along.

  8. Dwight

    Scott, that's been my problem of late…the starting part, that is. Look forward to you hopefully joining in!

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