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Creepiest book moment

A break from regular posting…

So a while back (OK, over 20 years) I had the day off for jury duty. As I’m heading out the door, I grab a book I recently bought at a used bookstore to have something to read during the wait. No jury was empaneled that day so I went home. Bagdad Cafe was on one of the movie channels so I decided to watch it while I finished reading the book I had taken to jury duty. 43 minutes into the movie I see the scene above…

Not only was I reading the same book, I was reading the same edition of the paperback Debby (actress Christine Kaufmann, probably best known in the U.S. as Tony Curtis’ second wife) is holding. A shiver ran down my spine and I glanced behind the chair, looking for…hell if I know. Allen Funt? Without a doubt, it was the eeriest moment I have ever had involving a book.

Addendum: I guess I should follow up with one of the funniest moments I’ve had with a book, although it sounds too much like a joke. So David Byrne walks into a bar/laundromat (Suds, in Dallas) and sees me reading from a Library of America volume of Melville and says…yeah, too much like a bad joke…

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