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Paging Phil Niekro

Work threw me a knuckleball this week, but hopefully I’ll be back to semi-regular posting in the next few days (offset by some travel days). So expect some posts on The Tartar Steppe by Dino Buzzati and the screen adaptation The Desert of the Tartars (both highly recommended). I still have some ways to go on La Regenta by Leopoldo Alas (wow…great, and keeps getting better) and I’m just getting started on Voyage to Kazohinia by Sándor Szathmári. Yeah, I’m sure all of these books are near the top of everyone’s reading lists…

3 thoughts on “Paging Phil Niekro

  1. Fred

    It's an ironic comment on the times, or perhaps about me in particular, but I don't know any of the authors you mentioned. However, I do recognize the name Phil Niekro, the knuckleballer, whom I think once pitched for the Chicago Cubs.

  2. Dwight

    Don't worry about knowing the authors–they aren't high on many lists (although some should be).

    My experience with Niekro was his long tenure with the Braves. It was a long, painful experience (following the Braves, that is) during those years.

  3. Fred


    Being a Cub fan–lo these many years–I know exactly what you mean by "a long, painful experience."'

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